Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Week 4: Public Relations Research & Public Relations Practice
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Week 3: Public Relations Ethics
A good example will be Wal-Mart, a successful retail company made use of SWOT analysis to analyze and focus on the key issue:
Strengths - Wal-Mart is a powerful retail brand. It has a reputation for value for money, convenience and a wide range of products all in one store.
Weaknesses - Wal-Mart is the World's largest grocery retailer and control of its empire, despite its IT advantages, could leave it weak in some areas due to the huge span of control.
Opportunities - To take over, merge with, or form strategic alliances with other global retailers, focusing on specific markets such as Europe or the Greater China Region.
Threats - Being number one means that you are the target of competition, locally and globally.
Personally, I feel that SWOT analysis is good for analyzing and examining the interaction between the business and the external marketplace. With this planning technique, it helps marketers / organizations to focus on key issues, that potentially has the most impact on the business. In addition, it also allows the organization to know their current standing in the market.
Apart from analyzing, setting objectives for the project is equally important. Let me elaborate - SMART objectives help ensure that effective goals are set. Setting objectives are important as it helps the company to focus on specific aims over a period of time and can motivate staff to meet the objectives set.
I didn't know that for planning, there's so many steps to go through. However, these steps are essential for the success of a campaign as it reminds the organization of its' aim and focus over time.
So, what exactly are ethics? The book define ethics as standards of behavior and, my ethics are the rules and standards governing the conduct by which I live my life and make all my decisions by. And, in relation to public relations, ethics are important for a few reasons. Firstly, ethics act as a guideline and gives a baseline for understanding the concepts of right and wrong and ethics helps by giving a ready understanding of how to react to a certain situation long before that situation happens. Secondly, ethics acts as "invisible" mediator when dealing or coming into contact with other people. So, If the sense of ethics are wrong then, the reaction to other people will result in a negative manner. Lastly, ethics are critical as people see us in them. We have the ability to show others the correct way to act and behave by remaining ethical in the way we talk to people and deal with the media.
So, being honest, keeping promises and caring for others are ethical behaviors. Then, how is unethical behavior defined? Pushing someone is unethical however, when someone is about to be hit by a car, and was pushed hard onto the other side of the street, is that considered unethical too? Often, unethical behaviors are not illegal and frequently, it falls in the grey area, between both right and wrong which often makes it difficult for people to decide what to do when it is encountered. In addition, different people have different views of what is ethical and what is unethical. For example, some people feel that it is alright to tell a little "white lie", while others feel that a lie will always be a lie and there is no excuse for it.
There are 3 main school of thoughts for ethics:
- Deontologist - Theories suggest that it would be possible to create a complete and comprehensive law that would prevent all negative behavior for everyone who follow the law.
- Consequentialist - theories suggest that how ethical the action is becomes irrelevant… the result of the action in preventing harm and promoting the most happiness for the most number of people becomes the single benchmark for ethical behavior.
- Virtual theory - Moral individualism suggests that a person cannot know what it is to be moral without first discovering what it is within themselves that determines certain behaviour to be linked to moral or immoral acts. Likewise he or she must also give others the freedom to undergo this process within themselves to find their own moral center.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Week 2: First Lecture & Tutorial & Theoretical Contexts

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Week 1: Understanding 21st Century Public Relations
1. Involvement of Public Relations in Strategic Management. The public relations department helps the organization build relationships with both internal and external publics and supports the organization’s efforts to achieve strategic goals and objectives.
2. Empowerment of Public Relations in the Dominant Coalition or a Direct Reporting Relationship to Senior Management. The strategic management of public relations must be an integral part of the strategic management of the overall organization, and the public relations unit has to practice public relations according to professional principles.
3. Integrated Public Relations Function. Excellent public relations departments integrate all public relations functions into a single department or have a mechanism to coordinate the units’ multiple efforts, so they can be managed in a more strategically meaningful fashion. Public Relations as a Management function separate from Other Functions. Avoiding the sublimation of public relations to other departments such as marketing or human resources, for example, thus, allowing the public relations practitioners more freedom and independence in executing their activities and communicating with the various publics.
5. The Role of the Public Relations Practitioner. A manager, rather than a technician should head the excellent public relations unit, so it can be part of the dominant coalition within the organization.
6. Two-Way Symmetrical Model of Public Relations. This is a model based on research and uses communication effectively to promote understanding and conflict resolution with strategic publics. However, in some cases it is possible to combine some elements of the two-way symmetrical model with the two-way asymmetrical model creating a “mixed motive” model.
7. A Symmetrical System of Internal Communication. Excellent organizations allow a wide margin of autonomy to their employees and enable them to participate effectively in the decision making processes within the organization.
8. Knowledge Potential for Managerial Role and Symmetrical Public Relations. Excellent public relations departments should ensure that their practitioners have the needed theoretical and professional knowledge required to carry out their roles effectively.
9. Diversity embodied in all Roles. Excellent public relations units should integrate both men and women in all roles, as well as practitioners representing different racial, ethnic, and cultural back- grounds. This is especially important to communicate effectively with varied publics.